
General Hospital’s Laura Wright Tweets ‘Hints for Today’

WOW! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! So I just woke up and checked Twitter as I usually do because my phone is beside my bed… I was surprised to read a Tweet from Laura Wright (Carly) regarding today’s airing episode. Today is the cliffhanger Friday for the Jason Morgan/Steve Burton exit. So fans, tell us what you think all these hints from the beautiful Laura could mean?!

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/lldubs/status/259273664510427136″]

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/lldubs/status/259280354152685568″]


Steve Burton QUITS General Hospital

I am in just a shock as EVERYONE else. I haven’t even finished reading the full article as I am typing this blog post. I am almost in tears actually. Thoughts are racing through my head such as, “What will happen to The Morgan’s? What about the baby? Jason Jr.? How will this end?” I am terribly heartbroken by this news. I honestly thought it was a sick joke when I briefly read the tweet. Not until I opened the article did I know it was true. I have to cut this post short and post a link for you all to click on because I can’t even write right now… Click here.

GH Sizzles as McBam Kiss and a Liason Kiss!!! GH Promo!

Wow! This Summer is really sizzling on General Hospital! JaSam kissing other people? This makes me uneasy! I am glad Sam confesses right away, and to be honest, I don’t even blame her. Jason has been a jerk throughout this whole thing. So hopefully they will both realize nobody is more important to one another.


When Will Sam Find Her Baby?

Since the moment the audience found out there was going to be a baby switch story, we have been wondering, “When will Sam find he baby?” As anxious fans, the rumors that claim she will find him at the end of Summer seems like eternity. Lately, all the rumors and speculations that are circulating claim everything is going to happen at the end of Summer, or Summer is used as the longest case scenario. It was said that John McBain would be gone until the end of Summer, but now, new news states that he and Sam will spend time together on the forth of July. I have also read that Liz and Jason get closer this Summer… Summer, Summer, Summer! This leads me to believe that the show is going to keep us on our toes for the next few months. Even though it seems like a long time, I think the JaSam baby story will be worth the wait.

Sam and McBain Kiss!

New rumors are circulating in the four way love dilemma of Sam, Jason, John, and Liz. The latest buzz floating around is that Sam and John share a kiss!!! If this is true, we can either scratch the sibling speculation or Ron has a pretty gross imagination! If John and Sam do kiss, then later find out they are related, that would be unsettling. Will Summer bring Liz and Jason closer together? These four have been toying with out emotions for months, and I hve a feeling it isn’t going to clear up for quite some time. We have to remember, that these are just rumors. We shall wait and see what happens this Summer!

GH Jason and Sam YouTube video to Remember to Breathe by Dashboard Confessional

Years ago there was a JaSam video to this song and then it disappeared. I have been looking for one ever since. I am so excited to announce that I found an amazing person to create this for me in just a few short hours. General Hospital fans really are dedicated! Her name is Norma and she runs the General Hospital’s #1 JaSam Fan Page on Facebook. Click here to go to her page. Below I have posted the video she just made. It contains awesome JaSam clips, the song Remember to Breathe by Dashboard Confessional, and dialogue. It really is great. Enjoy!!! Please feel free to comment and let Norma know what a fabulous job she did! YouTube username MyNorma09


General Hospital Keeps Getting Better

Whether you love, despise, like, or could care less about some of the story lines on GH right now, no one can deny that General Hospital is at an outstanding high. There is so much excitement going on in Port Charles it is impossible to not be hooked. I totally understand the frustration of certain fan bases, because not all fans are going to be happy 100 percent of the time. But think about it, how would that even be possible? Right now, The Sonny and Brenda fans loathe the Sonny and Kate (SKate) pairing. The JaSam fans hate the fact that Liz is even breathing, and the baby switch story? Forget it! The writers are getting a lot of crap for a lot of things, but I really think it comes with the territory. Soap fans are dedicated and devoted, and basically throw their souls into the characters and couples they love most. No matter which story line is fueling your fire or feeding your passion for the show, we have to give credit to the writers and producers for keeping General Hospital and all it’s fans on the edges of their seats, and I am personally grateful for how the stories have been handled lately. In all the 20 years I have been watching this show, I have never witnessed such progression in the plots. For the first time, the stories aren’t being dragged on for decades. Take today’s episode for instance, Sam confronts Jason about the attack on McBain. In the past, this NEVER would have happened so fast. She would have hemmed and hawed, confided in someone else, Jason would have tried to hide it from Sam, someone would overhear something… so on and so forth. I LOVE the fact that they are just rolling right along, REALISTICALLY. I think that is what is keeping everyone on their toes. There is no down time. Even Heather tampering with the paternity, the big reveal that Jason is the daddy, didn’t take that long to come out. Sure we found out a few months ago that Franco was the baby’s Father, and we all speculated that Heather had something to do with it. But the truth came out fast and easy. It was enjoyable to watch Heather with the results directly, no beating around the bush, no guessing games. I really want to say how amazing Ron Carlivati and Frank Valentini and all the other cast and crew are making this show. The actors have been stellar and giving it their all. This is such a great time for General Hospital and we have the cast and crew to thank. Please keep supporting our show!

Fan’s Intuition: Jason is the Father of Sam’s baby!

Well I think most of us have known all along in the back of our minds that Heather tampered with the paternity of Sam’s baby, and the baby really is Jason’s not Franco’s. Thursday’s episode set us up for the reveal on Friday, that Heather was in fact involved with the paternity results, exposing that the biological Father is Jason! This gives JaSam fans hope to hang on to that this couple will find their way back to each other. Things are still rocky of course, being that Jason ordered to have McBain threatened and beaten up, causing him to not be able to take Sam and her baby to the hospital. Sam doesn’t want to forgive Jason and Jason turns to Liz for comfort… but like that last wrench that was thrown in the JaSam relationship, the fans help on to hope and knew that things would work out. So this time, some how, some way, Sam will find her baby, and be able to forgive Jason for his attack on McBain.