
JaSam Baby Has Arrived!!!

Last week Samantha Morgan gave birth to her son! JaSam fans have been waiting many years for this to happen, and still hold out hope that the baby is not Franco’s and is indeed really Jason’s. There is still a lot of hope for Jason and Sam as a couple, they have been through so much, and so much has torn them apart. Jason and Sam have an undying love and I don’t think anything could keep them apart permanently. However, this last blip in their reconciliation, Jason ordering the attack on John, gets me a little nervous. When Sam finds out what Jason has done, it is uncertain if and when she could every forgive him. Not only did he order to have McBain (her friend who has helped her through many troubles), but John was going to get help for Sam and the baby, but Jason’s men slowed him down. Thus putting Sam and the baby in harms way yet again. Jason has not been acting like the Jason we know and love lately. He has always been stubborn but recently he has taken that to an entirely new level. Hopefully, with Sam being the amazing woman she is, she will be able to get passed what Jason has done to John.

Will Liz and John McBain be the Last Straw for Sam and Jason?

At this point, many JaSam fans are getting discouraged, and maybe have even given up on their favorite couple. But I see this time as a time for Jason and Sam to really fall apart, so that when they can pull themselves back together it will be better than ever. With all the things that Sam and Jason have been though together, from dodging bullets, Sam losing her baby, to Franco kidnappings, and (potential) rape, I am certain that Sam talking to McBain, and Jason talking to Liz is NOT what will keep these two apart. Jason keeps talking about Sam turning to McBain as if it’s the most filthy and unforgivable thing that a wife could do. I am really getting sick of how Jason is acting out of character. He has always been smarter than this. Sonny has always been written as the stubborn, hard headed, and often wrong one. Not Jason. He has always been rational and intuitive. The Jason I have gotten to know and love, the Jason that belongs with Sam, would understand where his wife was coming from when she was torn about telling him about Heather’s news. He would realize how most of the times Sam ran into McBain were simply coincidences and nothing more. But he on the other hand, has deliberately gone to Elizabeth to confide in. I have been patiently waiting for the truth to be revealed, the truth (that I am hoping for) of Sam and John McBain being siblings comes out sooner than later. I am pleased to see that when Sam and McBain meet, there are absolutely no romantic or flirtatious actions between the two of them. This helps me to believe that they will end up being related. Liason fans shouldn’t be getting too excited in my opinion. Although Jason is confiding in Liz, I have not seen one split second of attraction or rekindling of a past relationship with these two. As for now, I will endure through the pain Jason and Sam are going through, and the troubles they are facing because I am certain that when they get through it they will come out and prove to be th esupe couple that they really are.

Ron Carlivati on Jason and Sam (JaSam)

From an ABC.com Q & A with head GH writer Ron Carlivati, I feel there may be hope for Jason and Sam and JaSam fans yet. Here is a quote on Jason and Sam and what his plans are for this couple. “We have this great couple who are very strong and very solid in a lot of ways, who recently got married and are about to have a baby, but my intention is to shake that up a little and test their love – which I think will be exciting and interesting for the audience, to watch them try to weather those storms.” My take on this is that, no, they are not going to be blissfully happy (which we have already seen) as Mommy, Daddy, and Baby Morgan, but it doesn’t mean they are over. I have faith that it is just what Ron Carlivati says it is. Jason and Sam’s relationship will be tested and we will have to watch them weather the storm. I do believe the outcome will be positive for Jason and Sam and for the fans. These two have been through it all together and have made it out alive. Let’s not forget that Jason fell in love with Sam when she was carrying Sonny’s baby. Although I would LOVE for the DNA results to have been tampered with, and for this baby to be Jason’s, but if it isn’t, I know they can still get through this and Jason can still love Sam and the baby. They are stronger than this, stronger than Franco, or anything else that could come their way. Though they are having difficult times, I do see this daytime super couple going strong for years to come. JaSam fans have something to hold onto here. Keep the faith JaSammers!

What will Jason and Sam Do Next?

JaSam fans have been through the ringer these last few months and today’s episode of GH wasn’t any lighter. The emotion in all of the JaSam scenes have been heartbreaking for the audience especially for true JaSam fans. DNA results state that Franco is the Father of Sam’s baby. Call it denial, or call it wishful thinking, but I don’t think the baby is really Franco’s. I am not sure what happened, there is always the possibility of Heather tampering with the results, but it seems like she hadn’t been around long enough to get her hands on information like that. I don’t know which way they will spin this. If the baby really isn’t Jason’s, will poor Jason once again raise his brother’s child just as he raised AJ’s biological son Michael? I feel like the character of Jason Morgan deserves more than that. He needs a family of his own. He is always taking care of other people. Even when he fell in love with Sam, he was taking care of her while she was carrying SONNY’S child. I really wish I could see one couple on GH become a family and JaSam would have been the perfect couple to do this with. They have such a huge fann base and all the fans have wanted for years has been for them to be married and have a baby. I am still holding out hope for this baby to be Jason’s even with the most recent DNA results claiming otherwise. So what will JaSam do next?

General Hospital Saved. Are You a Fan or Foe?

Last week we were informed that ABC would be renewing the 49 year old soap opera General Hospital and would cancel the OLTL replacement show, The Revolution. As a soap fan I want to say that I am extremely grateful, excited, and optimistic. However, there are many people that claim to be General Hospital fans, and join Facebook pages and other ‘Save Our Soap’ type groups, yet they do nothing but complain about the show! Expressing their disgust on Twitter, Facebook, and other forums, these “fans” are hypocrites. What General Hospital needs right now is 100% loyalty and support from the FANS. REAL fans, not band wagon fans that only support the show when their favorite couple is together or when their favorite character has the lead. Of course there are things about the show that really get to me in a negative way. But I am wise enough to realize that I am not in control, and there is a much larger audience out there than myself. If I am not that interested in a story line, I focus on all the others that I do. If my favorite character isn’t front and center, I will wait it out until they are. The thing that would effect me the most would be my favorite couple getting the big ax. Right now things are looking gloomy for my favorite super couple JaSam (Jason Morgan and Sam McCall). Although they are being written in a way that is not to my preference, it doesn’t mean I am going to bash the show or quit watching. When it comes twists and turns and obstacles do I think enough is enough at times? Absolutely. I am at that point with JaSam. Jason should just be the Father, and Jason and Sam should be having this baby happily. (In my opinion of course). Throwing John McBain into the mix is fine with me. SO far I think Sam has not cheated on Jason as other fans are stating. She is simply confiding in someone when she doesn’t know how to handle the situation. Does McBain’s interference get me irritated enough to give up on JaSam? Nope. Just like the other aspects of GH that I may not be the fondest of will not make me give up on GH. As a long time General Hospital fan, I am proud to be a REAL fan all the time. So please, if you want to ‘Save Our Soaps’ quit tweeting all the negativity and show your support like a true fan should.

Sam is Carrying Franco’s Baby!

So now that we have all seen Sam open the DNA results in front of John McBain, and it showed that Franco was the baby’s Father, what will happen next? I am disappointed in this outcome but am taking it with a grain of salt because this is GH we are talking about here and well, Heather Webber is tangled up in this mess! Anything is possible and hopefully the results have been tampered with or there is some other reason that Franco is falsely named the Father instead of Jason. Sam will tell Jason the truth starting today and although I am looking forward to JaSam scenes, I am not to thrilled about the content of it all. I have been a JaSam fan from the beginning and wish for them to stay together. I understand that no soap couple has a happily ever after but some should, right? JaSam is perfect for that. I love their bond, I love their chemistry, the humor, the love and tears, it’s all so great… and of course the FACT that they are both so damn good looking! They make a great TV couple and I hope it stays that way. Let’s all keep tuning in and showing our JaSam/GH support!

JaSam and Baby Morgan: Will Sam Tell Jason?

The DNA results are in and the last scene we caught a glimpse of was Sam holding the envelope by the docks. John McBain walks up and sees the results in Sam’s hands, then it ends. Of course! Will Sam open it? Will she toss it in the water because she wants to remember she and Jason being happy about the baby? I wonder if Sam will open the results with John there for moral support. If so, I don’t think Jason will appreciate that very much. All I know is, is that Sam better tell Jason the truth ASAP before Heather sticks her creepy nose into it. It’s always less painful when you hear something from the person directly. If Heather gets a hold of Jason before Sam gets a chance to explain things, this could get bad for JaSam. Let’s hope for the best!

Wow, Even Great for a Monday.

Tracey Quartermaine makes me giggle!!! I loved when she was talking about her present from Edward when she was 5. Monica just had to antagonize as always. Skittles! The Q’s are great.  Awwww Luke was sooo darn funny remembering Spanky Buns’ birthday… and the gift, HILARIOUS. Poor Tracey!

I never really got why so many people love John McBain or thought he was sexy. I get that he has nice eyes and a raspy voice but nothing ever really made me think twice about him. Until he came to see Alexis and Sam was there. The way he was looking at her from outside the door way, the way he told her she could confide in him, dang! I see it now. He still really isn’t my thing entirely but if he keeps saying things like that and being so thoughtful and considerate he just may move up my list.  However, I do NOT appreciate the insinuation of he him and Sam getting together. LEAVE JaSam alone! I really just won’t those two, well, those 3 (baby Morgan) to be a happy little family.  The writers should be able to create entertaining drama for them without jeopardizing their marriage.

Oooh boy Heather Webber is one ginormous nut job! I swear back in the day she had a crazy nick name but for the life of me I cannot remember. If anyone remembers please comment! She really knows how to stir things up around PC. I can feel Olivia’s disgust! If I were her I don’t think I could stand for that. An ultimatum would definitely be in order.  If Steve was smart, he would realize that Heather is most likely going to plot for Olivia’s demise.  Oliva should be running for the hills!

Oh JaSam, how I wish you could over come all your troubles and have a care free pregnancy. I think she really needs to just tell Jason ASAP. I don’t think she’s a liar or betraying him and I also don’t think that is what she was doing when she made the decision not to tell him about Robin. Sam does things out of care and concern for her husband and what she believes is in his best interest. I think Jason needs to let go of that power trip and realize his wife is doing what she does out of love.

Connie? Kate? …Vicki? Nicki? Whoever she may be, the actress is doing a fabulous job with playing those two parts! Way to go Kelly Sullivan. John and Anna are going to have a tough time figuring this one out.

Oh bombshell! The look on Michael’s face when Carly told him she and Johnny Z. are an item!