Last week Jason started to get a little curious about how Sam’s baby died. As he uncovered some information that did not quite add up, he became suspicious. With the help of Elizabeth, Jason will get closer to finding out what really happened to Sam’s baby… maybe even find out that the baby is actually his and not Franco’s!
The What If JaSam episode got all the fans in an emotional frenzy, asking WHY oh WHY couldn’t this have been the way the sotry was written from the beginning? TPTB claim that the audience would rather see angst, depression, and serious sadness over happiness. However, we the fans do not think this is true 100% of the time. Yes of course, we love the drama, the suspense, the obstacles and all that. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be watching soaps. But it is important to have some type of balance. Too much darkness, especially for a couple that has so much potential, and a story that could have brought light to so many supporting characters is just discouraging after so long. We are all wondering WHY this story wasn’t written this way if the writers KNEW how to do so?
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I know it sounds a bit harsh but in all honesty, it’s a sincere heart felt expression of how we fans feel about JaSam.