Jason Morgan

Who is Watching the People of Port Charles?

There is someone sneaking around the streets, alley ways, and residents of Port Charles. They seem to be particularly interested…

Is Jason Morgan Returning to General Hospital?

It's all about Jason... If you have seen the episode of General Hospital that was aired today, then I bet…

Who Will Save Danny?

Sam received some unsettling news from Dr. Silas Clay when he paid a visit to the Davis home. While he…

Sam Fears for Danny

It looks as though Sam's son Danny may be ill. Previews mention that Liz is heartbroken when she learns about…

Enter the General Hospital Blog Contest!

General Hospital Blog will be giving away 3 #JaSam T Shirts! All you have to do is head over to…

General Hospital Blog has a Forum!

General Hospital Blog has a new Forum/Message Board! Please feel free to register and join the discussions about the hottest…

Saying Goodbye to Jason Morgan

Jason's last air date on General Hospital was early this week after he was shot by Duke Lavery, and kicked…

General Hospital’s Laura Wright Tweets ‘Hints for Today’

WOW! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! So I just woke up and checked Twitter as I…

Steve Burton’s Last Day at General Hospital

Yesterday September 27, 2012, was the last day of Steve Burton's 21 year long career of playing GH's Jason (Quartermaine)…