
General Hospital Spoilers: Drew Throws Carly Under The Bus

Partners in crime, or every man for themselves? Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) caught Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) red handed when she grabbed the glass Nine Reeves (Cynthia Watros) placed on the table.

General Hospital recaps: Drew catches Carly in the act, and surprise! She tells him the truth! Carly admits she is trying to get a DNA sample from Nina, because she isn’t sure Harmony Miller’s (Inga Cadranel) confession is accurate. Drew puts things in perspective, reminding Carly that someone on their death bed has more on their mind than lying and manipulating one last time.

General Hospital rumors suggest Carly and Drew’s friendship seems to be developing into mutual trust and respect for one another. Although Drew made it clear that he can’t be “that guy” for Carly when it comes to everything she had with Jason Morgan (Steve Burton), that doesn’t mean these two won’t find themselves feeling a deeper connection as their friendship takes its course.

General Hospital spoilers reveal things may start off rocky when Carly’s mission to sneak into the gate house gets interrupted. Carly has Drew by her side while she sneaks into Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) personal space. He comes along for the ride as Carly sneaks upstairs to get her hands on anything that would contain Willow’s DNA.

General Hospital previews and spoilers show Carly and Drew do what they can to make it quick inside the boathouse, but their efforts fall short. General Hospital spoilers and previews show Drew trying to explain what they’re doing at Michael and Willow’s as he throws Carly under the bus. It’s unlikely that Drew would reveal Carly’s plan just like that, so it makes sense that while he’s pointing the finger at Carly, he’s also gaslighting whoever has them in question.

Do you think Drew would let Carly go down like that, or has he find a way to cover their tracks?

General Hospital Spoilers: Michael Gives Sonny One Last Chance

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is about to take Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and his family down a slippery slope in which they may never be able to turn back on.

Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) feels betrayed by his father after Sonny chose the woman who kept him away from his wife, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) as opposed to making a better effort to fall back into his old life.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Michael gives Sonny one last chance to choose family over Nina- especially now that Nina is trying to drag Michael and Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) through a nasty court battle over his grandson, Wiley Corinthos (Viron Weaver).

The latest General Hospital previews indicate Sonny and Michael come face to face again after their last conversation that left them at odds. Michael tells his dad this is the last chance he’ll have to admit Nina was wrong. Will Sonny push Michael even further away over his feelings for Nina?

General Hospital Spoilers: Phyllis And Nina’s Friendship Built On Guilt After Helping Madeline Reeves?

Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) had an interesting conversation about Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros).

General Hospital recaps point out new, potential GH spoilers. As if their conversation wasn’t interesting enough, Carly turned up the curiosity when she asked Valentin if Phyllis Caulfield (Joyce Guy) was present at the time Nina have birth. Valentin didn’t waste any time asking Carly straight out, why she would want to know that.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Carly is going to keep what she knows on the down low for now, while she works toward finding more answers.

Does Phyllis know more than she is letting on?

General Hospital rumors hint that maybe Phyllis is trying to spare Nina by not telling her the whole story. It’s possible Phyllis had a part in aiding Madeline Reeves (Donna Mills) with the illegal adoption of Nina’s twins, Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) and Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen). Whether Phyllis had no choice to help Madeline or not, she may be holding back, setting herself up for being yet another person to lie to and betray Nina in regard to her birth story.

Could Phyllis be trying to make things up to Nina by standing by her side, out of guilt? Is there friendship built on something much darker than Nina could have ever imagined?

General Hospital Spoilers: Nina And Scott Go Digging, Will She Uncover The Shocking Connection?

Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner) fights dirty and he wants Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) to be ready for an all-out war.

General Hospital reveal Nina is ready to pull out all the stops to assure her victory in the courtroom. Scotty tells her she needs to change her mind about Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard). Since Nina’s selfish behaviors has been exhibited clearly fine and time again, there’s no reason why she’s behave differently this time.

GH rumors suggest that Nina won’t give up on her relationship with Sonny, while she still moves forward with her attempt to destroy his son Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen). She’ll do what she needs to her what she wants. Can you blame her? Sonny has already shown that she can walk all over him AND his family and still engage with her romantically. Why not go for all she can? After all, Sonny hasn’t left her yet.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors hint that Nina instructs Scott to go digging into Willow’s past to try and find any kind of dirt that could be used against her in court. But what they uncover could not only involve Willow, but Nina as well! Everyone is waiting on Carly to spill the tea, but what if Nina figures out she’s Willow’s mother all on her own?

General Hospital Spoilers: Willow Rejects Nina, Nina Becomes Just Like Nelle?!

Hell hath no fury like a MOTHER scorned! Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has really been through it.

She’s been lied to and betrayed, she has had her child taken by her own mother, Madeline Reeves (Donna Mills), later to be lead to believe Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson) was her long lost biological daughter. Nina has resented Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), pointing blame her way for the death of the young woman found to be her daughter, Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier). Nelle was a psychotic criminal who tried to kill many and kidnapped her own child. In her attempt to put an end to Carly, Nelle fell to her death and Nina thinks Carly is to blame.

Now that recent General Hospital spoilers and previews reveal that Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) is not Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) biological mother, the fallout surrounding Nina, Willow, and Carly is just beginning.

General Hospital rumors speculate that sooner or later, Willow and Nina will learn they are mother and daughter, whether they find this out one at a time or together, the devastation and surprise will be the driving force for what’s to come.

GH rumors hint that Willow will reject what she learns, making Nina feel rejected and angry. Angry with Willow and especially angry with Carly- I mean, everything is Carly’s fault in Nina’s eyes, right?!

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

It’s no secret that Nina’s other daughter (and Willow’s twin), Nelle, was a complete lunatic. Nina has shown tendencies to have issues which align similarly to those of Nelle, exhibiting abnormal and even criminal behavior. General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest that Nina’s feelings of rejection and anger will spark something within her, causing her to go full Nelle mode against Carly and possibly even Willow.

Now more than ever, Carly feels she needs to keep her promise to Harmony, and protect Willow from Nina at all costs.

General Hospital Spoilers: Will Carly Honor Harmony’s Dying Wish?

Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn) we’re just attacked by Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) and almost died. If Alexis didn’t show up when she did, and if Carly didn’t make her quick move, one or both women would be dead.

Harmony has no problems turning on her new “friend,” but Alexis had her figured out in the end. She realized Harmony only befriended Alexis to try and make up for her guilt for killing Dr. Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan). Harmony has murdered two people, but her secrets don’t stop there.

Willow knows that Harmony tried to kill Carly and Alexis. But what she doesn’t know is that she isn’t Harmony’s biological daughter. General Hospital spoilers reveal Carly’s knowledge of the situation puts her in a compromising positions. It’s technically not Carly’s secret to tell, but that hasn’t stopped Carly before. So what would be different this time?

Carly has told Harmony that she needs to come clean to Willow, but Harmony remains adamant on keeping her in the dark. General Hospital rumors suggest Harmony could die before deciding to tell Willow the truth, leaving Carly to hold that burden on her shoulders.

GH rumors also claim that Harmony’s dying wish will to have the secret kept Sonny that Willow never finds out she was never really Harmony’s daughter. Yet there is still more to the story that Carly hasn’t figured out yet. GH spoilers hint that Carly will soon find out that Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) is Willow’s biological mother which could change the course of everything. Knowing that Nina’s daughter is alive and well and right under her nose will give Carly leverage over Nina like mother before. Maybe Harmony will get her dying wish after all.

General Hospital Spoilers And Rumors: Michael Wants What’s Best For Willow, How Far Will He Go To Protect Her?

Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) has been by Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) side while she awaits Harmony’s (Inga Cadranel) prognosis.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Michael is worried about Willow’s well being now that they know Harmony attacked and tried to killed his mom, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn). He doesn’t trust Harmony or want her hurting Willow in any way.

Michael made a few comments regarding what he thinks would be best for Willow. As he was talking to Dr. TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow) and Carly separately, he questioned TJ’s ability to be able to help and heal people like Harmony who have committed heinous crimes, telling him he wouldn’t be able to do what he does. He also expressed feelings that he think Willow would be better off of Harmony died. Michael also shared the same sentiments with Carly.

General Hospital rumors hint there is a possibility that Michael will go to extremes to protect Willow from being hurt any further by her “mother,” or at the very least, such an event would be wishful thinking.

Will Harmony survive the injuries she has sustained so that justice can prevail?

General Hospital Spoilers: Carly’s Mission Fails, Will Harmony Complete The Task?

Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) is devastated as her mother is clinging onto life.

She just learned that Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) was involved in an attack on Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn), and that she murdered Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Willow is ready to take in even more devastating blows as she begs Carly to tell her the truth. GH rumors and spoilers suggest that Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) interrupts Carly’s mission to tell Willow what she deserves to know, but then presses Harmony to come clean.

Harmony has a chance to be honest about everything- admitting to Willow that she is not her biological mother. Naturally Willow would want to know who her real mother is, which is where Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) comes in.

GH rumors hint that the confessions won’t get as far as telling Willow that Nina is her mom- but in time Carly will put the clues together.

General Hospital Spoilers: Willow Pleads With Carly

Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) is staying strong amidst all the drama and heartache that has been bestowed upon her.

Willow has not had the easiest of upbringing. Her “mother” Lorraine Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) wasn’t always there for Willow, she got herself involved in illegal activity which was a result from joining the Dawn of Day cult. Despite everything Willow has been through as a result of her mother’s sketchy past and present, she still declares her love for her mom at her bedside. She knows that Harmony has committed murder but she wants answers.

General Hospital spoilers and previews indicate that Willow has another chance to speak to Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright). Recent General Hospital previews show Willow pleading with Carly to tell her the truth about what happened with Harmony. She pleads, “whatever it is, just tell me!” At this point, Carly knows that Harmony has killed both Neil Byrne (Joe Flanigan) and his brother Brendan (Joshua Coxx). She also knows that Willow is not actually Harmony’s biological daughter and that she has some past ties to Nina Reeves.

General Hospital rumors suggest that Carly will tell Willow as much as she knows for now but when Carly puts the pieces together and connects the dots between Harmony, Willow, and Nina, Carly will likely keep the secret.

General Hospital Spoilers: Scotty Prepares Nina For An All Out War In The Courtroom

Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has some guts to go after the son of the man she claims to be in love with. Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Nina share a grandson and Nina is fighting for visitation rights against Wiley’s father Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and his adoptive mom, Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen).

General Hospital spoilers reveal Nina and Sonny grow closer despite her attempt at taking Michael and Willow down in court. Her lawyer, Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner) knows his way around the law but that doesn’t mean he’s a voice playing dirty.

General Hospital previews indicate that Scott is preparing Nina for an all out war in the courtroom. Sonny has blown off not only his ex-wife, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), but his son Michael as well. Nina seems to be coming first these days, even when his grandson Wiley’s well being is at stake.

Nina sticks to her guns and fights for her rights as Wiley’s biological grandmother. GH spoilers and rumors claim Nina won’t have much of a leg to stand on when it turns out she isn’t biologically related to Wiley’s mother Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) but in fact she is blood related to his adoptive mother Willow!