Curtis pressures Drew to remember life as a prisoner. The worried stepfather believes there’s a real shot at locating the Haunted Star with Drew’s help. If anyone knows the important details of fine Cassadine strategies, it’s Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison).
General Hospital recaps revisit the memory mapping days with Andre Maddox, Franco, Anna, Jason, etc. However, I must admit, that storyline confused me as equally as it bored me. Without a full understanding of what went down with the Cassadine’s, Liesl, Peter, Drew, and all that memory mapping, all I can say is that Drew’s memories link back to Cassadine strategy.
Recent General Hospital spoilers reveal Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) has an idea. While talking with Mayor Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis), a lightbulb went off. The mere mention of Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) while discussing the mind’s complexities, sparked a thought.
According to General Hospital recaps, Drew was involved in some crazy Cassadine mind games. While prisoner, the Cassadine masterminds found a way to “share” memories from person to person. In all that confusing mess, Drew ended up with memories that were never his. Now, Curtis believes that those memories can help locate the ship. GH spoilers and previews indicate Curtis pressures Drew to remember life as a prisoner in hope that it triggers a clue.