
Sam and Danny in Danger from Helena’s Curse

JakedrawingWe haven’t heard much about Helena’s curse since the day she “cast her spell” onto Sam Morgan. Helena was lying in her death bed, and although she acted as if she needed to reveal her wrongs so that she could die in peace, she left one classic piece of herself behind… a curse.

Helena and Sam’s mom, Alexis, have never been each other’s favorite people. Although Alexis is a Cassadine, she has lived her adult life as an outsider, other than keeping in contact with her nephew, Nikolas.

It’s no surprise that Helena hates Sam as much as she does Alexis, and now Sam has to live with knowing that this evil woman has put a curse on her.

Lately, the only person that seems to be continuously crossing Sam’s path in a negative way, is Elizabeth’s son Jake. Jake was presumed dead for a few years, and recently we learned that he was kept on Cassadine Island. There is no telling what type of mind tricks and brain washing Helena has done to that child. Everyone found it to be quite odd that Helena would return Jake back to Liz in one piece, without expecting anything in return.

General Hospital rumors have been swirling since the day Jake came back to Port Charles, that there is something off about that child. He could quite possibly be the source of Helena’s curse. Based on the drawing he made in art therapy with Franco, it’s easy to come to the assumption that he has it out for Sam and Danny. In that disturbing picture, it shows Liz and Jake happily frolicking while Sam and Danny lay lifeless and bloody on the ground.

Did Helena program Jake to go after Sam and Danny? Let us know what you think! Is Jake the key to Helena’s curse on Sam?

GH Spoilers: Another Setback for Jason and Sam

LizzieWhether we want to admit it or not, JaSam fans everywhere still find Elizabeth a threat to Jason and Sam’s marriage/reunion.

The Liason vs. JaSam fan battles are the strongest ever in Daytime, with fans constantly pinning the two women, Sam Morgan and Liz Webber, against one another. From mothering digs, to style of clothes, some fans have no chill when it comes to dogging their rival woman.

Just as Sam feels that Jason is starting to connect with her, she may have to brace herself for yet another setback. Last week on General Hospital, Sam and Jason’s encounter in their penthouse was full of heart warming chemistry for the couple and fans alike. Jason admitted her remembered Sam’s star necklace, putting it around her neck, and kissing her. The two seemed to be getting closer .

However, trouble is ahead for Sam and Jason. Right now, Liz and Jason’s son Jake is  fearful that a bad man is going to get into his home he shares with his brother and mom. He keeps calling for his dad, Jason, and of course, Jason is always at their rescue. GH rumors have indicated that Jason has Liz and her boys move in with him in order to keep them safe from whomever is trying to scare them by breaking into Liz’s home.

General Hospital spoilers revealed that Jason offers that they all stay somewhere for the night, but it has yet to be revealed if Liz and the boys will move in with Jason for the foreseeable future.

GH Shakeup! Will Liz and Her Boys Move in with Jason?

SamLizargueJasonLittleJakeJust as Sam and Jason are starting to rekindle their old flame, as he remembers placing the star necklace around her neck, they have a heart to heart at their Penthouse, and Jason catches Sam as she trips down their stairs, they hit yet another obstacle.

General Hospital rumors have suggested that due to the nature of Liz and Jason’s son Jake’s current frame of mind, Liz may be moving in with Jason. Jason lives up to his protective reputation by offering Liz and her boys to stay with him after Jake is fearful of what he saw in the window of the Webber home.

Will this drive a further wedge between Jason and Sam?

General Hospital Spoilers: Elizabeth Is Ready to Come Clean to Jason



LizcleaneditThings are heating up all around Port Charles. As Sonny (Maurice Benard) tries to hang on for dear life, Carly (Laura Wright) clings on to hope and turns to prayer, Michael (Chad Duell) lives up to the Corinthos name and steps up to the plate, Morgan (Bryan Craig) turns to rage and wants revenge, and Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) is ready to come clean to Jake (Billy Miller).

The secret she is keeping is weighing on Liz’s conscience, and she can’t handle the guilt she feels from keeping Jake from knowing his true identity- and from keeping Jason Morgan from his wife, Sam (Kelly Monaco), and their son, Danny.

At this point, Elizabeth is ready to tell Jake the truth, that she has been lying to him for months, and that he is actually Jason Morgan. However, now she is stuck between a rock in a hard place. While almost giving into her guilt and telling Jason the truth, she has a heavy heart because her son Jake, whom was presumed dead, has finally returned to her, and he needs a father in his life.

It looks as though Liz wants to tell Jason the truth, but she also wants what is best for her son. Will Elizabeth put her selfish reasons aside and tell Jake he is actually Jason Morgan? General Hospital rumors claim that is not how this story will play out. General Hospital spoilers have revealed that Laura (Genie Francis) will be returning to Port Charles very soon and that she will play a large role in the Jason Morgan reveal.

Let us know what you think. Will little Jake hold Elizabeth back from coming clean about Jason Morgan?

Does Sam Have Nikolas Right Where She Wants Him?

JakeSam2It will definitely be one for the books when Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) and Nikolas (Tyler Christopher) are exposed for keeping Jake’s (Billy Miller) true identity to themselves. Sam and Jake are closing in on Nikolas and his web of lies. As General Hospital inches closer and closer to November Sweeps, the rest of Port Charles will be zeroing in on the explosive truth in regard to Nik and Liz’s lies.

Sam is about to get find out that Jake is actually her husband, Jason Morgan. It looks as though Sam has Nikolas right where she wants him, exposing him for crimes he has committed and swept under the rug. With Nik’s plans unraveling rapidly, will Sam stumble upon his biggest deceitful secret yet? It’s only a matter of time before Nikolas and Elizabeth are outed for keeping Jason away from his real wife and rest of his family.

Jake and Sam work together to expose Nikolas… will they discover the shocking truth?




General Hospital Spoilers: Hayden Has a Flashback About Jake

HaydenBarnesNikolas (Tyler Christopher) has been behaving like a true Cassadine as of late, and among all the despicable things he has done recently, having Hayden Barnes (Rebecca Budig) shot in hope to keep her quiet about Jake’s (Billy Miller) identity has got to be the worst. Nik went to extreme measures to keep Hayden from disclosing the truth about Jake Doe. Hayden was about to tell Jake that he is actually Jason Morgan, when a bullet came flying her way. causing her to go into a coma.

Now that Hayden is awake, she definitely poses a threat to exposing Nikolas, so he has to keep her under wraps. Lucky for Nikolas, Hayden is currently suffering from amnesia, and doesn’t remember what her life in Port Charles was like before she was shot. She has had a flashback of Nik’s broken vase, and General Hospital spoilers reveal that she will start to remember more and more.

Hayden will have a memory that involves Jake. Will Hayden remember that Jake is Jason Morgan? Hopefully she will be able to put the pieces together, and realize that Nikolas is still trying to hold onto his and Liz’s (Rebecca Herbst) secret about Jason.


General Hospital Spoilers: Spinelli Returns

SpinelliJakeGreat news! General Hospital spoilers have revealed that Bradford Anderson will be returning to the GH canvas as the loyal and hilarious Damian Spinelli.

Spinelli came back to Port Charles earlier this year for the Nurses Ball held in early May. He tried to win Maxie (Kirsten Storms Barash) back before realizing that he belonged with Ellie (Emily Wilson) and Maxie with Nathan (Ryan Paevey).

What will bring Spinelli back to PC this time? General Hospital rumors indicate that it will have A LOT to do with November Sweeps, and the fact that Jake Doe (Billy Miller) will FINALLY be revealed as Jason Morgan.

Will Spinelli be the one to uncover Liz’s (Rebecca Herbst) lies?

Billy Miller Tells Fans When We Will See the Jason Reveal… He Warns, It Will Be Explosive

BillyMFor the most part, fans are enjoying Billy Miller as he stepped into the role of Jason Morgan. The story with Liz and Sam has gotten really exciting and it’s leaving fans restless. However, Billy has received some backlash since stepping into the role of Jason Morgan.

Billy explains that he hasn’t really had a chance to portray the legendary Jason Morgan quite yet. It makes sense, because truly, he is playing Jake Doe. Jake isn’t acting the way one would expect due to the fact that he doesn’t remember anything about his (Jason’s) life.

The biggest question on the minds of General Hospital fans, is when will Jake Doe FINALLY find out that he is actually Jason Morgan, married to Sam, father of Danny, and all that other good stuff? General Hospital spoilers tell that the BIG JASON REVEAL will take place during November Sweeps. It seems like a long time from now, but after waiting this long, a couple months isn’t going to kill us, especially since Billy Miller promises that he Jason reveal will be explosive.

Hopefully with this knowledge, fans can rest assure that what they have been waiting for will be well worth it. Let us know how you think the BIG JASON REVEAL will all unfold.