
General Hospital and the Wrath of Jerry Jacks

Fans agree that right now, General Hospital is at the top of it’s game. Like a good book, we just can’t put it down. I literally get irritated and cranky when it ends and I have to wait until the next day to catch more of it. I say this a lot but in all honesty, I haven’t been this into GH since Ric Lansing kidnapped a pregnant Carly, hid her in a panic room in a house he shared with Elizabeth, and chained Carly to the wall. That stuff was intense. Every single aspect of this show right now has that same intensity. From Jerry Jacks, to Jax coming back, Robin, Luke, and Anna, Sonny and Joe Jr., Liz and Ewen, Jason and Sam (and McBain), Olivia and her hallucinations… Ok, you get my drift. I am loving it all.

Lately I have been really thinking about how much Olivia’s story ties into the entire Jerry Jacks story line, and it’s so brilliant how they are playing this out. Her hallucinations always have some reality to them. Seeing Lulu pregnant, than her test was positive, seeing the water as if it were poison, and seeing Dr. Keenan as the devil… they all have truth and it is so exciting to see Olivia inadvertently tie everything together in such a strange and unexpected way. Lisa LoCicero is doing such a fabulous job with this story. She looks and acts the part so well it makes you feel her distress and anguish.

There is something about Jerry aka (Mr. Craig) that still gives me the creeps after all these years. His character has the right amount of evil to be extremely terrifying and at the same time he actually has some humanistic feelings left for his family, Jacks, Joss, and the woman he loved, Alexis. Sebastian Roche is a phenomenal actor, and is able to make us fear and hate him. Even though he does a fabulous job at making us hate him, I still don’t want to see his character die. He plays an awesome villain and brings so much excitement to the canvas. I look forward to Monday’s GH and the episodes to come. Enjoy!

What Will Happen to Olivia Falconeri?

Now that Olivia is awake, she has been having some strange experiences. When she first woke, she felt compelled to call Steve, Steven Lars, she saw Heather Webber’s reflection in a mirror as if it was her own, and she saw Lulu as being 9 months pregnant. Shortly after she realizes what has happened. I fear for this character long term. I love Olivia and although I am very interested and excited in this cool and creepy story, I hope that one day Olivia will be Olivia, and not a crazy villain. I was on tumblr.com today and came across this bit of information… it is rumored that Olivia will never be the same after this LSD incident. Lisa LoCicero has been doing such an amazing job with all that she is working on right now. Her scenes are so intense and she pulls it off perfectly. She is a great screamer, crying, lover, etc. This woman really has show her fans how great she really is. I am excited to see what is in store for her character.

Happy Birthday Lisa LoCicero!

Happy Birthday to General Hospital’s Olivia Falconeri! We hope you have a fantastic birthday Lisa! May your TV family and friends along with your ‘real’ family and friends shower you with kindness and love! Enjoy your day!