Drew dies saving Willow?! …Michael and Willow’s wedding week is getting wild! In soap opera time, sometimes it takes at least a week to get through one single day in Port Charles.
General Hospital spoilers… This week, Michael and Willow’s wedding drama builds up for days! Willow Tait is barely clinging to life as she prepares to walk down the aisle. Still, she remains grateful. Despite her tragic reality, the future Mrs. Corinthos is beaming with joy to marry the man she loves. Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) Meanwhile, over on the Haunted Star, Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) holds Willow’s bone marrow donor hostage.
It’s no doubt that Willow’s been blessed with a chosen family who loves her dearly. As General Hospital recaps recall, Willow’s childhood and upbringing left many scars. It wasn’t until recent years did she finally find peace with a family who loves her. Each and every one of them loves Willow like their own. That being said, many are willing to go to bat to save her.
Drew Dies A Hero?
According to General Hospital spoilers and previews, Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) heads off to help locate the Haunted Star. Ultimately, Liesl must be found and brought back safely to Port Charles in order to save Willow. Time is running out, and it’s anyone’s guess how much longer Willow has on this Earth. So, Drew being the noble steed that he is, he volunteered himself to help bring Liesl home.
General Hospital rumors… Tragically, Carly’s heart doesn’t just break for Drew during his mission. She begged him to return and he assured her that he’d come back home. Sadly, if GH rumors are true, Drew dies saving Willow! Will Drew die in his attempt to find Liesl and save Willow’s life?!
Thankfully, there have been no GH news reports regarding Mathison’s GH status. Thus far, Cameron is still on contract with the daytime drama. Stay tuned to see more major bombshells! General Hospital is FULL of surprises!
Carly’s arrested at Michael’s wedding! Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) has received more “get out of jail free” cards from Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) than she’s ever deserved. In fact, I can’t think of anyone else he let off the hook the way he did for Nina. I’m sure there’s something and someone Sonny spared in the past that I haven’t recalled. Regardless, Nina’s 9 lives with Sonny are up.
General Hospital spoilers and rumors indicate that an unforgivable bombshell is about to drop. Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) wedding day brings about the soapiest wedding drama. The mother of the bride wasn’t even technically invited. That’s how awkward things are between her and Willow’s chosen family. Even having the potential to save her life, Willow still can’t forgive Nina for the things she’s done past and present. Actually, any progress she’s made is followed by regression because she just can’t help herself. Nina lives to tear down Carly Corinthos.
General Hospital rumors and previews tease that Carly’s arrested at Michael’s wedding. Insider trading isn’t treated lightly in the business world. So, Drew and Carly’s insider trading scandal leads to Carly being hauled off in handcuffs. Luckily for Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison), he’s currently over seas, fighting the good fight to stop Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy).
Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) just can’t help herself. It’s like it’s in her nature to take multiple steps back just as she’s accomplished one step toward progression. Nina doesn’t know when to quit and it’s obvious she likes playing with fire. She’s burned so many, including herself. This time, Nina’s bombshell at Willow’s wedding puts the final nail in the coffin!
Ceaseless drama in Port Charles is exactly what keeps GH fans coming back for more. Year after year, decade after decade, (6 to be exact), PC residents captivate the audience with their ups and downs, drama, danger, romance, and anything soapy. Currently, General Hospital’s 60th anniversary is pulling out all the stops for the most enthralling storylines. According to the latest General Hospital spoilers, this week’s episodes bring forth wedding day bombshells and shattered relationships!
General Hospital previews indicate that even Ava Jerome (Maura West) can’t believe what her bestie has done. GH rumors tease that Nina’s bombshell at Willow’s wedding puts the final nail in the coffin. With Nina, every time it seems like she’s progressing in her relationship with her daughter, she takes multiple steps back. Apparently, Nina is really good at self destruction while she attempts to demolish others.
Moreover, GH spoilers and previews reveal that along with Ava, Sonny and his family cannot believe what she’s done. And Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) suffers the most.
Michael Corinthos EXPOSED! It’s almost their big day! Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) and Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) are about to become husband and wife. Finally, their love story has moments of hope, happiness, and love to look forward to.
For such a young man, Michael Corinthos has a lot on his plate. For starters, he helps run the family business. No, we aren’t talking about Corinthos Coffee. To clarify, Michael helps run ELQ, the business on his Quartermaine side of the family. According to General Hospital history, Michael wanted to follow in Sonny’s footsteps. Despite his past interest, Michael now wants to see Sonny pay for that very same business.
General Hospital previews and spoilers reveal Michael’s plans are unfolding as expected. In recent GH previews, Michael’s secrecy employee, Dex Heller (Evan Hofer), confirms the Pikeman shipment details. This deal is what Michael and Dex have been waiting for.
Michael Corinthos EXPOSED!
Meanwhile, the Pikeman deal isn’t the only big event Michael is waiting on. Ironically, his and Willow’s wedding takes place on the same day as the scheduled Pikeman shipment. Gratefully, Sonny accepted Michael and Willow’s wedding invitation despite the fact that the invitation wasn’t extended to Nina. Although he’d rather she wasn’t left out, Sonny knows the importance of attending his own son’s wedding. But GH rumors hint that Sonny walks into much more than his son’s wedding.
Sonny and Nina end when he Sonny puts family first. …Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) has always been a family man. Despite the nature of his “business,” Sonny does whatever it takes to put family first. That’s why, when his family reunion didn’t go as expected, the Corinthos family fell apart.
General Hospital recaps recall when Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) and her children believed Sonny was dead. Their son Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell), their baby daughter Donna, his stepdaughter Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy), Sonny’s daughter Kristina (Lexi Ainsworth), his son Dante (Dominic Zamprogna), (am I missing anyone?) you get the picture- all grieved for Sonny when he was presumed dead. Who do they (we) have to thank for that? Yes, Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). Contrary to popular belief in Port Charles, Sonny wasn’t dead. Many people grieved over his death. Losing Sonny drastically changed lives. Some even had to push forward, and move on with someone else. Although, one person knew he was alive all along.
Now, Nina and Carly continue to battle it out among themselves. However, the war includes more than just Nina and Carly. Sadly, their entire families feel the adverse effects of their dysfunction. We can play the blame game all day. We can go back-and-forth about, “what came first the chicken or the egg?” But, it doesn’t matter where family is involved and lives are being ruined and lost.
Sonny And Nina End
According to recent General Hospital spoilers and rumors, the Corinthos family problem may become a non-issue very soon. Nina may ni longer be a factor in this family feud. General Hospital previews indicated that Dante Falconeri has an enlightening conversation with his father. In this case, the one who becomes enlightened is Sonny. Dante points out the obvious when it comes to Michael and Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) wedding. Michael extended the invitation to his father but not to Nina. Sonny accepted and plans to see his son get married. Therefore, the inevitable cannot be avoided.
GH spoilers reveal Sonny puts family first, above Nina. Is this the beginning of the end for Nina and her Cowboy Mike?
Finally, Sonny chooses family over Nina! Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) got himself into hot water with his son Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell). A life-long, father-son relationship was destroyed after Sonny’s brush with death.
GH recaps recall, two years ago, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) did the unthinkable. The loyal family man fell in love with a woman who lied and kept him from his wife and children. It’s true, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright), and her children were left in shambles when Sonny’s body went missing. The weather and inclement conditions lead to a tragic conclusion. Shockingly, a year passed and Sonny returned to his family. However, he didn’t necessarily return to his old life.
According to General Hospital spoilers, Carly lets Nina have it. They two continue to spar despite the delicate nature of their family situation. Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) life hangs in the balance, along with her relationship with Nina. Nina may lose her daughter after just becoming connected. Moreover, they’ve never had a good relationship from the start. Nina and her biological daughter Willow could not stand each other long before Carly came into the picture. Still, Nina blames Carly for her shortcomings.
Now, Carly tells Nina like it is. GH spoilers reveal a situation arises in the Corinthos family and Sonny has to make a choice. Carly wastes no time tanking it known that Sonny chooses family over Nina this time.
Willow makes peace with Nina!? Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) used to be very close to his father. He always looked up to Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) as a role model and mentor. Growing up, his father’s business became knowledge to Michael as he got older.
GH recaps recall, at certain times, Michael expressed interest in following in his father’s footsteps. But those times are long gone and in the past. Now, Michael is doing everything he can to keep his family as far away from Sonny as possible. Even if that means putting him away for good.
While Michael fights his father, Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen) fights for her life. According to recent GH spoilers, Willow thinks Sonny should be invited to their wedding. However, the same doesn’t go for Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). Willow hasn’t applied the same logic she used to convince Michael to build a bridge between himself and Sonny to her situation with Nina. Instead, she mentioned the opposite. Just because she wants Sonny at the wedding, that doesn’t mean Willow is willing to have Nina there as well.
According to General Hospital spoilers and rumors, Willow makes peace with Nina. After much hesitation, perhaps things are out in perspective as Willow faces what could be the end of her life.
Can Nina and Scotty find Liesl!??Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) was a good sport for the Nurses Ball. She agreed to partake in a magic trick with Maxie’s (Kirsten Storms) kids, Georgie and James. Unbeknownst to Liesl, the disappearing act was more than a magic trick.
It’s just hours before the bone marrow transplant between Liesl and Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullen). Willow sat home with Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) as she relaxed and watched the Nurses Ball. She enjoyed watching all the classic acts from talented friends and loved ones. It was the perfect way to rest in comfort before her big day at the hospital. Although Willow and Nina’s recent revelation threw them for a loop, finding out Nina is her mother could be the miracle that saves her life. Because of her relation to Nina, Liesl got tested for a potential bone marrow match for her new great niece. Thankfully, Liesl was a match.
Recent General Hospital recaps recall a setback in Willow’s road to recovery. Shockingly, Liesl actually vanished from the vanishing cabinet used for a Nurses Ball performance. Liesl’s disappearance has Willow’s loved ones frantically searching for Dr. Obrecht. As her bone marrow donor, Liesl is essential to her survival. Sadly, every moment Liesl is missing is another minute closer to a tragic to Willow’s life.
Will Nina and Scotty go rogue? According to recent General Hospital previews and spoilers, Nina recruits Scotty Baldwin (Kin Shriner) to look for his ex-girlfriend. She asks him that they’re going to have to find Aunt Liesl on their own. So, can Nina and Scotty find Liesl? Or will they end up one of Victor Cassadine’s (Charles Shaughnessy) along with the others?
Victor kidnapped Liesl to save Nikolas?! So far, even if things aren’t going exactly according to plan, Victor seems to have exactly what he wants. After being presumed dead, Victor found Anna and his son Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) alive. Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) may not survive, his nephew Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez), and baby Ace are about to drift away to a life of Cassadine corruption.
Moreover, Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) flexes by showing Port Charles he isn’t to be underestimated. Particularly, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and the Spencer’s, and Anna Devane (Finola Hughes). Recent General Hospital recaps recall Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) is missing. Frantic, Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) buzzes around backstage to find help. Once Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) learned that her Aunt Liesl is missing, she went straight to Sonny.
Liesl Must Save Nikolas Before She Can Save Willow?
Why would anyone kidnap Liesl? Here’s why we think… Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma/Adam Huss) is barely alive, at an undisclosed location. We know that Mason Gatlin (Nathanyael Grey) called upon his cousin Austin Gatlin Holt (Roger Howarth) when Nikolas went missing from Wyndemere. Furthermore, the fact that Mason and Austin answer to a mystery boss leads us to believe Victor is pulling the strings. Victor is obsessed with the Cassadine’s. According to General Hospital rumors, Victor took Nikolas from the locked room. If that’s true, the possibility that Victor kidnapped Liesl to save Nikolas explains why she’s missing.
In addition, Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) family is in a panic over Liesl’s disappearance. Her bone marrow transplant surgery is scheduled the day after the Nurses Ball. As time ticks on and on, the pressure to find Liesl intensifies. GH spoilers and rumors tease she could be on the Haunted Star with Victor and Spencer. Dr. Obrecht is a very skilled doctor who has assisted in many off the record medical procedures and experiments.
Sonny’s involvement in finding Liesl ties together another one of Victor’s motives. The fact that Liesl is Willow Tait’s lifeline gives Victor leverage. Knowing that Willow’s life depends on Liesl, Victor has Sonny and his family at his mercy.
Is Willow’s death on Michael’s hands? Michael’s faced with his worst nightmare and it’s all his fault. His desire to get revenge on his own father has created a series of horrific circumstances. These adverse events to Michael’s family is the price he pays for playing with the mob.
According to recent General Hospital spoilers, Liesl Obrecht is missing. When watching in awe of the Nurses Ball episodes, the question of why Liesl was kidnapped arose. Fans turned to social media platforms to discuss the drama. Why would anyone want to kidnap Liesl?! Well, maybe they kidnapped her to get to someone else.
Recent General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease there’ll be extreme consequences for Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell). Michael has put his time and energy into taking down his father. With the help of Dex Heller (Evan Hofer), Michael is almost at the finish line as his plan to bust Sonny is about to go down.
General Hospital rumors claim Liesl was kidnapped to send a message to Michael. Apparently, someone isn’t happy with how he’s been playing the mob game. And now, Willow’s life is held hostage along with Liesl. If she dies, is Willow’s death on Michael’s hands?
Michael may have made the biggest mistake of his life. Going after Sonny Corinthos was never a good idea. But his anger about his family problems lead the way. Despite all of life’s blessings, Michael’s focus is guided by darkness. If Willow dies, Michael will see just how dark things get.
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