Nikolas is alive?! After the intense showdown with Ava Jerome (Maura West), Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom), and Mac Scorpio (John J. York), Ryan’s death provides mixed emotions. Undoubtedly, the death of a serial killer provides relief to all; especially Ava.
As General Hospital recaps recall, Ryan’s obsession with Ava had her looking over her shoulder for years. After all, he is the reason her marriage to Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma/Adam Huss) is over. Now that he’s truly gone, she can rest assured that Ryan won’t harm her or anyone she loves again. But safety and peace of mind aren’t all why she’s particularly relieved. In a vulnerable state, Ava confessed to killing Nikolas to Ryan. Now that he’s gone, her secret stays safe between herself and Dr. Austin Gatlin Holt (Roger Howarth).
General Hospital spoilers indicate that Ava and Austin have unfinished business. The elephant in the room, on shall we say, the Cassadine in the closet, needs tending to. Earlier, Austin showed up at Wyndemere to help his new friend move Nikolas’s body. Then, their plans changed and suddenly Ava had a house full of chaos. In the midst of all the drama, Ava confessed to killing Nikolas. Thankfully, her secret died with Ryan.
Nikolas is Alive?!
General Hospital rumors hint that Ava might not be out of the woods. Although Ryan seems to be as dead as can be, someone other than Austin knows her secret. GH rumors speculate that her ex husband is missing from where she stashed him, and very much alive.
Now, she and Austin discover an empty closet where Nik’s body was placed. How mysterious! As a result, Ava will be looking over her shoulder fearing Nik’s tell-all return. Nikolas could expose Ava for attempted murder. However, things could be worse. On the bright side, if Nik is alive, she can’t go down for killing him. But, attempted murder isn’t off the table.
General Hospital news reports remain silent regarding the role of Nikolas Cassadine. Last played by Adam Huss, Nikolas has seemingly met his untimely death. His death stunned fans, leaving the audience in disbelief. Many GH rumors speculate a return as it’s almost unfathomable that the writers killed off a main character from a core family. However, it’s been done in the past; killing off multiple members the iconic Quartermaine family. As for the Cassadine family, Nikolas is the primary Cassadine in Port Charles and it simply wouldn’t be the same without him.