
Did You Miss the GH Segment on CNN This Morning?

This actually brought some tears of pride and happiness to my eyes as I watched this today. Proud to be a devoted fan, and happy that there is hope for the future. General Hospital has come along way since a the cancellation of AMC and OLTL. It is sad that some executives did not have the faith in soap operas that they do now, causing us to lose two amazing, American iconic soaps. But we cannot change the past, and we need to hold on to and be grateful for what we have. We also need to thank who is responsible, Frank Valentini, Ron Carlivati, and the ENTIRE cast of actors and crew for making our show as fabulous as it is, and of course we the FANS! For holding on, staying involved, and not giving up. I am so excited to share this with all the fans, so please click here to watch the CNN video segment on the BEST SOAP OPERA EVER, GENERAL HOSPITAL.

Laura Wright on ABC’s The Chew: Don’t Hate!

General Hospital’s Carly Corinthos Jacks (Laura Wright) will be joining the cast of The Chew today, May 31st at 1PM Eastern/Standard time. Strong opinions against this have been circulating the soap fan world, as they are not happy with Laura’s decision. As we all know, The Chew is the replacement show for our beloved soap All My Children. I have not ever watched The Chew or The Revolution. However, I will watch The Chew today solely to support GH star, Laura Wright. I don’t think Laura is doing a bad thing here. The damage has already been done, our soaps have already been canceled. Laura is supporting her network, ABC,  and her winery, Standing Sun Wines. The way I see it, having Ms. Wright on The Chew can only do good things for General Hospital. I think ABC actually made a smart move by having someone from General Hospital on The Chew. Who knows, it may even draw more people to General Hospital. As for the possibility of upping the ratings for The Chew because of Laura, it will work for today, but I highly doubt it will cause wild popularity for the show in the long run. And I am good with that. I will be watching today, and any other day that The Chew will honor our soap GH by having one of the stars as a guest and promoting General Hospital. Will I watch The Chew any other time? Heck no. Simply because I don’t even watch those types of shows. Please stop hating on Laura Wright for her decision to support her network, promote GH, and have some fun!

Scott Sickles’ GH debut!

Today is the day ex-OLTL script writer Scott Sickles debuts his General Hospital episode. He wrote for OLTL from 2009-2012, and since the cancellation of OLTL, he will now debut his first script for GH today. Congratulations to Sickles and to General Hospital! We look forward to seeing all the excitement and drama Port Charles and it’s residents have to offer!

Kristen Alderson: Starr Goes from OLTL to GH

First I have to start off by stating that I am still saddened by the cancellation of AMC and OLTL. Just as GH, I grew up watching AMC and OLTL with my Mother. That being said, I for one was really excited to hear that some of the OLTL actors would be crossing over and taking up residence in Port Charles. Some viewers have been having mixed emotions on the news of One Life to Love characters coming over to General Hospital. For me, it is definitely a plus. I don’t understand what would possibly be bad about these interjections. I mean, Port Charles gets new residents all the time anyways, so why not have some be familiar faces from other fictional towns? I watched Starr Manning grow up on OLTL and am happy to see her make such a splash on General Hospital. She is doing a fantastic job. Her first few days in PC were very emotional and Kristen Alderson brought it! I felt her pain almost as if it were real.  And I say “almost” because let’s be honest, no TV show can compare to the very human, very real feeling of personal loss. But she definitely got us as close as it can get. Every Mother’s worst nightmare was played out in those scenes and Kristen really knew how to bring it home. As the weeks have been going on Starr is mingling her way through the people of PC and establishing some important personal as well as business relationships. I can’t wait to see where they will take this character in the near and distant future. I am liking her with Michael right now, but I am also open to other options. Matt maybe? Please feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you think! Congrats Ms. Alderson, and welcome to GH. You are doing a stellar job!