
General Hospital Spoilers: Will The Real Sonny Corinthos Please Stand Up? Only Carly Can Save Him From The Delusions In His Head

What happened to Sonny Corinthos Nina says yes Carly Corinthos

What happened to Sonny Corinthos? Is Sonny possessed? Has Sonny Corinthos taken leave of all his senses? Because what we witnessed yesterday was like watching Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (which I’ve never actually seen). Sadly, Sonny’s been a changed man since Nixon Falls. It’s almost like he now suffers from delusional thinking and doesn’t know who he truly is anymore. True, that fall from the bridge caused amnesia and really messed him up. But you know what (or who) else messed up Sonny? Nina.

General Hospital recaps recall how this began and unfolded in Nixon Falls between Sonny and Nina. Honestly, it’s really just plain and simple. Phyllis Caulfield saw a man in need and took Sonny in. She and her husband Lenny cared for Sonny as he tried to navigate his new life. Without any recollection of his own identity, he was unable to give any insight on who is he or where he’s from.

Then, Nina came along and further complicated things. Some Carly haters (and that’s ok, it’s just a show) deny that Nina is a wretched, selfish, manipulator, but her true colors are crystal clear. Anyone who can discovers a human being that is presumed dead, and doesn’t reach out to the family SHE SHARES with said man, must have too many rats in the attic. She took advantage of Sonny, disrespected him and his family by making them believe he was dead, manipulated him, and basically turned him against his own family in her sneaky way. It’s mind boggling how Sonny didn’t see Nina for the wacko that she is after he recovered from amnesia. Therefore, the best explanation suggests that the man can’t be playing with a full deck at this point.

According to General Hospital previews, Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) overhears Nina blurt out her relationship status. Disgusted by what she heard, Carly gave a death stare in Nina’s direction. Now, General Hospital spoilers reveal Sonny and Nina are in the peak of their puppy love. From here, things can only go downhill for these two.

How many times did we have to hear Sonny ask Nina to marry him? Furthermore, his sappy little speech about loving everything about her made no sense. The falsities in his dialogue truly made me wonder if I was watch if the same show all those months ago. Really? Nina just let Sonny be? No. She molded and manipulated him into who she wanted him to be. Now, he’s so far gone he’s talking nonsense about things that never happened. In fact, Nina is the opposite of who the delusions in Sonny’s head think she is.

General Hospital Spoilers: Is A Double Wedding In Store For The People Of Port Charles

Sonny and Nina wedding Carly and Drew wedding Sonny Carly Drew Nina double wedding Port Charles

A Port Charles double wedding?! …A double wedding takes place in Port Charles! There’s never a dull moment in Port Charles. Its residents have jam-packed lives, consumed with careers, significant others, children, and dramatic daily lives. Blackmail, kidnapping, baby switching, memory mapping, and whatever else is just another day in Port Charles. Without a doubt, Sonny and Nina’s engagement is just a constituent of the next big bombshell revelation.

General Hospital spoilers reveal that the people of Port Charles become entangled in more drama in upcoming months. Time is flying by and freedom is fleeting from two prominent people in the city. Drew Cain (Cameron Mathison) and Carly Corinthos (Laura Wright) must act fast to save themselves from imprisonment. The problem is, they’re at a loss for how to vindicate themselves. Gracefully, Drew suggested that Carly testify against him because he sees no way they both can get out of this. And of course, Carly feelings are reciprocal to Drew’s sentiments. Mutually, neither plan on taking an, “every man for himself,” type of approach.

Meanwhile, as Carly and Drew weigh their best options to keep themselves out of prison, Carly’s ex-husband plans a wedding. Fans were in shock after Monday’s episodes. According to today’s General Hospital recaps, Sonny and Nina have a discussion that leads to his unexpected request. Today, Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) asked Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) to marry him.

General Hospital fans are divided. While some took this as good news, others can’t believe Sonny wants to marry Nina after everything she’s done. Regardless, these two are headed to the altar.

Is A Port Charles Double Wedding Headed Our away?

According to GH rumors, Carly and Drew reach a possible solution. After weighing all the options, GH rumors hint toward a forced engagement. Although Carly and Drew have real feelings for each other, they’ll rush into a commitment to protect their freedom. Is getting married the only way to stay out of prison? What if both couples decide to walk down the aisle on the same day?