
General Hospital News And Spoilers: Kristen Storms Explains How A Personal Crisis Impacted Maxie

Kirsten Storms discusses Maxie’s appearance
Kirsten Storms discusses Maxie’s appearance

I’m going to first start off by saying that Maxie is one of my favorite characters of all time. Since 2005 Kirsten’s portrayal of Maxie Jones has captured my attention and adoration for the character and the actress. And because Kirsten Storms and I are only two years apart in age it feels like I’ve grown up right along with her character.

General Hospital news and spoilers reveal that Kirsten explains how a personal life crisis has impacted her role as Maxie. She sat down with co-stars Bradford Anderson and Steve Burton on their podcast called The Daily Drama. The 40 year old GH star reflected on her 2021 brain surgery and how the recovery process trickled into her work. “I didn’t bounce back from that mentally and emotionally as quick as I would want to,” she noted. “And I feel like how I felt personally was reflected in Maxie in the show.” She admitted.

This was a difficult time for Kirsten and the criticism from so-called fans added to it. But now that she’s creeping up on the three year mark since her surgery, Storms has a new outlook.

“Now, I’m starting to feel a little bit more like myself as I’m learning to take better care of me. And at work, I’m dressing in more fashionable outfits. I’m more into making sure my makeup goes with it,” she added. “I have a really different, cool hairstyle. All the old school Maxie stuff.”

The brave and beautiful Kirsten Storms seems readier than ever to take on Maxie, and wow fans with that iconic Maximista fashion sense. She also joked about smiling over this rough patch and disclosed her wish, “Maybe we could just like not fully remember Maxie over the last couple of years,” Storms laughed, “and we could just jump from Spixie to now. But that is the growth.”

General Hospital spoilers tease that we are headed for Spixie 2.0 and Kristen is all for it! Bradford Anderson and Kirsten’s Spinelli and Maxie still have what it takes to wow fans with their incredible romance. Are you ready to watch Spinelli and Maxie fall in love all over again?

General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Fears For Spinelli’s Life When He’s Caught In A Mob War

Spinelli’s caught in a mob war
GH Spoilers: Spinelli’s caught in a mob war

Just as it seemed that Felicia (Kristina Wagner) got through to her daughter, Maxie’s (Kirsten Storms) fears became validated again. She admitted to her mother that her fear of losing Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) is what holds her back from a relationship with him.

According to General Hospital recaps, it took some time but Felicia and Maxie’s heart-to-heart resonated with Maxie. Maxie’s anger covered up her true fear of facing her feelings for Spinelli. Then, Felicia calmly explained other points of view, and that’s when Maxie began to go soft.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that a strong moment came over her and she acquired the courage to call Spinelli. She’s so afraid of losing him in any way. Whether it’s a catastrophic fallout or fate stepping in to tear them apart by tragedy, Maxi doesn’t want to lose.

Spinelli’s Caught In A Mob War

General Hospital Spoilers tease that Maxie lets her guard down just as Spinelli takes a risk for organized crime. In the past, Spinelli helped Sonny Corinthos out of respect for his best friend Jason Morgan . But since Jason‘s been gone, Spinelli never had a reason to work with Sonny. Recently, all that changed when Sonny asked Spinelli for his services.

Unfortunately, GH rumors claim that letting her guard down leads Maxie to a let down. Maxie fears for Spinelli’s life when she almost loses him to mob violence. Ironically his best friend and the man who always had his back could be the man to threaten his life.

Is Spinelli caught in a mob war between Jason aka STONE Cold and Sonny?

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Spinelli and Maxie’s Future- Bradford Anderson Reveals Spixie 2.0 Details

Bradford Anderson Reveals Spixie 2.0
Bradford Anderson Reveals Spixie 2.0

Kirsten Storms and Bradford Anderson’s on screen chemistry shines a light on Maxie and Spinelli’s relationship. It’s one thing to be able to act as a couple in scenes, but it’s on another level then the on screen chemistry comes to the actors naturally.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that we are headed for more nostalgia. We are moving past the 1990s and diving right into early 2000s nostalgia when all was right in the world. Maxie Jones and Damian Spinelli were the perfect adorable odd couple. Eventually, the couple took the usual soap opera course and called things off. GH recaps remind fans that they both loved on to other people. Although they shared their daughter Georgie, she lived Spinelli and his wife Ellie (Emily Trout) in Colorado.

According to the latest GH news and spoilers, Bradford Anderson reveals Spixie 2.0 details. His recent interview with Soaps In Depth revealed some insight into Maxie and Spinelli’s future. “It really feels like they are kind of unwrapping these layers of excuses as to why they shouldn’t be together,” he explained. “and he’s got to the center of it before she has. It’s interesting, because I thought back to the Nurses Ball of ’15 with Nathan and Ellie where [Maxie and Spinelli] had decided to get back together but then ultimately they were like, ‘It’s just the comfort of being together, the logic of being together because we have a kid.’ It wasn’t the right time.”

Anderson continued, “And since that time, she’s been with Nathan, who died, and Peter August, who was… Peter August,” he added with a laugh. “And then Austin Gatlin-Holt. I think her experiences (after losing Nathan (Ryan Paevey)) have kind of made her look for something that is solid, look for something that is safe, look for something that is good for her kids. And what could be better for her kids than, obviously, one of their parents, someone that she trusts implicitly and loves, and has always loved.”

Who is more solid than Spinelli?! Do you think Spixie 2.0 is in the works?

General Hospital News And Spoilers: Bradford Anderson’s Nod To A Spixie Reunion And Needing Fashion Advice

A lot of discussion has formed around Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and her potential love interests. Since Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) announced his split from Ellie Trout (Emily Wilson), GH fans have been hoping for the chance that Spinelli would rekindle his flame with Maximista.

General Hospital spoilers and rumors suggest Spixie’s (Spinelli and Maxie) recent awkward encounters couldn’t be tiny clues to a reunion for the couple who shares daughter Georgie

General Hospital news reports reveal Bradford Anderson has recently shared a video on Instagram, displaying his recent scene as Spinelli was asking Maxie for fashion advice. GH spoilers indicate Anderson shared a possible nod to his character and Storms’ character rekindling their relationship. Bradford’s caption included the hashtag #Spixie, which is the relation- “ship” name for Spinelli and Maxie.

Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) have come along way since that dreadful night in the woods, but will her undying connection to Spinelli prevent anything from developing any further?

General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie and Spinelli’s Awkward Encounters Could Lead To Special Moments

The dust has barely settled after Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) experienced some of the worst trauma of her life.

Peter August (Wes Ramsey) did a number on Maxie and the ones she loves, leaving her tired and warn, her relieved and grateful. Maxie is grateful for her supports, Anna Devane (Finola Hughes), Felicia Jones (Kristina Wagner), Mac Scorpio (John J. York), and of course her new friend Dr. Austin Holt (Roger Howarth), among others.

Austin and Maxie seem to have a spark, but some GH fans argue that no love of Maxie’s can compare to what she has with Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson). Spinelli went from teen cyber nerd to big time tech for the mob in Port Charles.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Maxie and Spinelli could have another chance at love and becoming a family again with their daughter Georgie, and Maxie’s son James, and baby Bailey Louise. General Hospital rumors hint that their current awkward encounters could very well lead to special, familiar moments between the former love birds.

Is Austin standing in the way as Maxie and Spinelli’s time as a couple may have passed, or is there hope for a reconnection?

General Hospital Spoilers: Is Now A Good Time For Spinelli To Make His Move On Maxie?

Let’s be honest, Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) never go out of style.

The former love birds share daughter Georgie, but haven’t been together as a family in years. Maxie had moved on a few times while Spinelli found love with woman much like himself, Ellie Trout (Emily Wilson). As it turns out, Ellie was tired of her man running to Port Charles every time Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) or Fair Samantha (Kelly Monaco) sneezed. The two ultimately spilt and now Spinelli is back in Port Charles full time.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Maxie drama with Peter August (Wes Ramsey) is over and she has given Austin Holt (Roger Howarth) the green light.

General Hospital rumors hint Austin may have some competition if Spinelli every tries to come back and claim his love. GH rumors and spoilers suggest Spinelli will start thinking about becoming a family with Maxie now that he and Ellie are no longer together. Is now a good time for Spinelli to make is move or should he let nature take it’s course with Maxie and Austin?

General Hospital Spoilers: Maxie Doesn’t Want To Be Alone

Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) just experienced emotional trauma which lead to physical stress after what transpired on what was supposed to be her wedding day.

Maxie and Peter August’s (Wes Ramsey) fallout won’t end in her hospital room where she told Peter she is not running away with him. Maxie finally has realized that those around d her who were giving warnings, were actually acting out of love and concern for her safety. So many clue pointed toward Peter’s secret evil life hut Maxie refused to see it.

General Hospital spoilers reveal that Maxie’s baby is safe, and she has been released from General Hospital. In recent GH previews, Maxie stands at her open apartment door and invites a guest inside.

General Hospital spoilers reveal Maxie needs emotional support after the entire ordeal. GH rumors claim Spinelli (Bradford Anderson) is at her door to lend a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear.

There have been talks regarding a Maxie and Spinelli reunion now that she has finally seen the light about Peter. Are you hoping for a Spixie reunion?

Kirsten Storms Reveals Plot Twist!!

Kirsten Storms was made to play Maxie Jones. Maxie had won the hearts of General Hospital fans and the love for this character continues to grow. Everyone always seems to be on team Maxie, no matter how many times she makes an impulsively bad decision.

Kirsten puts her heart and soul into this role and fans are able to feel what Maxie feels. Kirsten also lets us into her own world with husband and co-star Brandon Barash. Although Maxie and Johnny were never really together on General Hospital, the two are married in real life with a beautiful daughter named Harper Rose. Harper is currently playing the role of Maxie and Spinelli’s daughter, Georgie.

Being able to get a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes a GH is just another perk of following Kirsten in her real life, via social media. The actress revealed a huge General Hospital spoiler via Twitter. Kirsten Storms announced to fans that while she was reading her script, there will be a plot twist that even she didn’t see coming.

Could Kirsten be referring to Maxie’s love triangle with Nathan and Spinelli? Perhaps Spinelli finding out about Jason? Hang in there fans and watch GH every day on ABC to find out exactly where this plot twist is headed.

follow Kirsten on Twitter! @teenystweeting

Trouble In Paradise for Maxie and Nathan

It’s Valentine’s Day, but after Maxie’s confession to Nathan, they aren’t quite seeing eye to eye. Although coming clean so quickly about helping an old friend, Johnny Zacchara run from the law was out of character for Maxie, she and Nathan still find themselves at odds.

The fact that Maxie would risk the court finding out about her behavior and jeopardizing her visitation with Georgie was pretty irresponsible. Nathan also is irritated with the fact that she actually put him, as a Detective of the PCPD in a very poor position. Nathan now will lie for Maxie, claming that Johnny broke in and store her keys and cash.

The arrival of Maxie’s ex-(non)husband, and the father of her child might also put a damper on her relationship with Nathan. Spinelli confessed to Maxie that Ellie did not come along because they broke up. Apparently, she broke up with Spinelli over Maxie.

Now that Spinelli is back in town, Ellie is out of the picture, and Nathan and Maxie aren’t seeing eye to eye, will there be a Spixie reunion?

We want to know what the fans think! Do you ship “Naxie” or would you love to see”Spixie” rekindle their one of a kind love?

Spinelli Returning to General Hospital

Damian Spinelli has many close friends in the city of Port Charles, including the mother of his daughter Georgie, Maxie Jones, and one of his best friends Sam Morgan. Spinelli was best friends with Sam’s (late) husband, Jason Morgan, and he also worked for Jason and Sonny as the mob tech genius.

After the first custody hearing when Maxie Jones lost custody of her own daughter, baby Georgie, Spinelli and his girlfriend Ellie moved to Portland, Oregon. Ellie made a huge career move, she took a job that she had been waiting for, for a long time. Spinelli just learned that although Maxie lost custody of their daughter, he was granted full time custody. He and Ellie decided to start a life together in Portland, with baby Georgie. General

Spinelli is always willing to come to the aid of his friends when there is a dire situation. His good friend and ex wife of Sonny Corinthos, Carly Jacks, paid him a visit in his new home in Portland. She needed his assistance with the audio recording that was found on AJ Quartermaine’s cell phone. He was able to clean it up so they could make out exactly what happened the night AJ was shot.

It looks like Spinelli is needed yet again. This time, it is Fair Samantha who needs his help. After she was held at gunpoint and used as a hostage to distract the PCPD, Sam is determined to find the man who aided in Faison’s escape. Sam still thinks that her husband Jason is dead, and she has no clue that the gunman who grabbed her is actually Jake, aka Jason.

Sam might not be the only person Spinelli will be helping. General Hospital rumors indicate that Spinelli plays a part in Maxie being able to be reunited with their daughter by Christmas.

It would make sense that Spinelli would return as his two close friends, Maxie and Sam really need him. General Hospital Blog will keep fans updated on confirmation supporting this General Hospital rumor. SHARE this post with friends if you miss Spinelli!