
General Hospital News and Spoilers: GH Fans In Denial Over Steve Burton – It’s FAKE!

GH fans in denial over Steve Burton
GH Fans In Denial Over Steve Burton

Fake news! Fake news! Lately, it’s difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is fake. Photoshop, camera lens filters, and now AI have taken over the internet. Since the rise of social media, “fake news” became a big issue in our society. This day and age publications have become less credible as journalism drowns in a sea of misinformation.

Aside from accepting that we can completely alter a photo with Photoshops and copycat apps, certain apps use different lenses. For example, Snapchat selfies come out exactly how they’re taken, like a mirror image. While the iPhone camera lens.

Furthermore, when it comes to the ability to discern authenticity from a fabrication in media, evolutionary technology is just one of the components. Often times we see what we want to see. Recently, popular GH star shared a photo of himself with his new girlfriend, Michelle Lundstrom.

GH Fans In Denial Over Steve Burton

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Steve Burton Reveals New Girlfriend Post Divorce

Say it isn’t so! General Hospital news reports reveal that fan pages exploded with engagement on a picture post including Steve and his new girlfriend, Michelle. While many congratulated their favorite guy in PC, a large amount of people used the platform to claim and debate the authenticity of the photo. To be fair, Steve’s tattoo threw this entire thing off. The camera displayed Steve in a flip-flopped lens. That’s when fans questioned his arm with the new tattoo, calling the photo post fake.

Additionally, some even took it a step further and claimed that I was proven wrong and would take down my post. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Suddenly, General Hospital Blog’s Facebook page flooded with questions. Comments about Steve’s tattoo fueled the accusations of a fake photo. Then, a post was written to explain that the photo was indeed real. In fact, GH Blog informed fans that Steve has posted the same photo on his The Daily Drama podcast page. Still, GH fans insisted that it was fake.

Moreover, reports claim that some fans took it as far as to bully Lundstrom online. I won’t post the claims because I don’t want to spread negativity. GH Blog wishes Steve and Michelle all the best as their relationship continues to grow. 💖

General Hospital News and Spoilers: Steve Burton Reveals New Girlfriend Post Divorce

Steve Burton reveals his new girlfriend
Steve Burton Reveals New Girlfriend

Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) has had a few great loves throughout his years living in Port Charles. In fact, his chemistry with two particular woman created all-out fan wars between the two fan-bases.

According to General Hospital history, JaSam and Liason fans fought hard for their favorite couple. Today, GH fans are prepared to root for Kason to remind his love with either Sam Morgan, or Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst). Of course there were a few others, including Dr. Britt Westbourne. However, Sam and Liz will always be Jason’s two greatest loves.

Since we’re all debriefed on Jason Morgan’s love life, General Hospital news and spoilers reveal the latest details about Steve’s real life romance. GH recaps recall that it’s been about two years since Steve and Sheree Burton’s shocking split. Her baby announcement sent the bombshell soaring. Thats when General Hospital Blog shared Sheree’s pregnancy announcement under the assumption that the baby was her husband Steve’s. Soon after, Burton got wind of the news and he took to social media to clear the air.

General Hospital News: BREAKING! We Need To Clear The Air On Misinformation Regarding Sheree’s Pregnancy
Steve Burton’s new girlfriend Michelle Lundstorm
Michelle Lundstrom

Two years later, GH news reports reveal that Steve has moved on since his and Sheree’s scandal and split. According to recent General Hospital spoilers, Steve Burton reveals his new girlfriend post divorce.

Reportedly, Steve and his pal Bradford discussed the Emmy Winner’s love life in their podcast, The Daily Drama. Steve has made his relationship with Michelle Lundstrom social media official!