I’m not gonna lie, I was totally creeped out by Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) dream. Harmony Miller (Inga Cadranel) came to her self appointed daughter in a recent dream. It was only a catnap, but Willows brief slumber brought forth and impactful dream.
Over at the hospital, Willow dreamed of the only mother she’s ever known until Nina. The dream wasn’t pleasant at all. In fact, she was visibly angry in her dream. Even a little frantic. Despite the strange nature of their relationship, Harmony loved Willow very much. Sadly, Harmony died after she was hit by Sasha’s car. It just so happens that Sasha was in the middle of a traumatic episode when Harmony came out of nowhere. That’s when she was struck by Sasha’s car. Unfortunately,, Willow never got to know the reason behind what Harmony did; why she lied about being her mother. But now she carries resentment toward the only woman she has ever called mom until recently.
GH spoilers reveal that Harmony’s warning rattles Willow and she can’t get it off of her mind. At General Hospital, Harmony came to Willow on a dream. She gave her “daughter” a warning. Harmony says, “you can’t, you can’t. I’m warning you Willow you can’t trust.”
Who is Harmony warning Willow about?